The property podcast for the thinking person.


Episode 144 | Making better sales agents (not genetically modified) | Tanja Lee, TMJ Coaching

Helping agents become transparent and more trustworthy, and how can vendors find them.

  • What are sales agents doing to win you over?

  • Why do some agents fly and some flop when it comes to communication?

  • What should vendors be doing to get the most out of their sale?

  • How many sales agents should you speak to before finding the right fit?

Tanja Lee started off as a vendor looking for their perfect agent, and now is one of the leading leadership development coaches in the real estate industry, coaching some of the top agents in the nation.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 143 | Postcode Analysis: What properties are outperforming the market | Martin North, DFA | Insights from Digital Finance Analytics

Breaking down the negative impact of government grants and consumers being sold into the myth that all property performs well over time.

  • How have spending habits changed during Covid?

  • Are grants all that they are chalked up to be?

  • Are developers increasing their margins once new grants come out?

  • Breaking down the myth that once you're in the property market you can ride it out.

Martin North jumps into the deep end in this episode mythbusting common misconceptions of property, highlighting the terrible deals and properties people get sold into everyday.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 142 | Hyperbole Towers: The sitcom of strata living | Jimmy Thomson & Warren Coleman, Hyperbole Towers

If you ever wanted a sitcom on living in strata property, look no further than Hyperbole Towers!

  • Taking a few laughs out of strata living.

  • What happens when strata managers lend swipe keys to security guards?

  • What do you do if you have a horrible neighbour in your complex?

  • How comedy and stories of strata living can paint the full picture of the lifestyle.

Welcoming back Jimmy Thomson from the infamous and hilarious episode 106 where he regaled our hosts on nightmare neighbours, unbelievable stories and insane experiences. In this episode Warren Coleman joins the chat on their brand new ‘podcom’ called Hyperbole Towers.

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Chris Batesde-index
Suburb Trends September 2020 | What Suburbs are booming due to COVID & the housing or unit market? w/ Kent Lardner

What areas are we seeing the greatest growth and what suburbs have had the greatest losses.

  • Why do certain suburbs always outperform the market?

  • What suburbs are cold?

  • Properties that vendors have a hard time selling?

  • How low are the current listings?

  • What is the current vacancy rate?

In this edition of Suburb Trends monthly report the team and Kent Lardner crack the lid on what suburbs are only now feeling the effects of Covid, including what areas that are seeing a massive influx of consumer demand.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 141 | Early release super, payment holidays ending and banks sharing your data | Simon Bligh, illion | Insights from illion

Has early covid contingency benefited the economy and will data rights and open banking improve your ability to get better finance?

  • Should people be taking out their superannuation?

  • How will early super withdrawal impact the economy?

  • What items did people spend their super on?

  • Will open banking benefit you?

  • Will the future of banking charge rates based on the consumers repayment reliability?

We welcome Simon Bligh, CEO of illion. illion is the leading independent provider of data and analytics to the largest industries in Australia and New Zealand, providing insights into the spending behaviour through leveraging their data on over 25 million consumers.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 140 | Behavioural science of property buying | Dr Nicola Powell, Domain | Insights from

Understanding buyer preference through Domain search data, what are people looking for?

  • How many properties were on the market at a discount?

  • What makes sellers decide to price edit?

  • How many properties are sold through private treaty?

  • Why the Australian market is made up of thousands of micro markets.

In this episode we interview Dr Nicola Powell, Senior Research Analyst at Domain, she is at the helm of Domain’s data reports and has appeared in various mainstream media outlets.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 139 | Paper to Digital, how proptech business PEXA leads the way | Lisa Dowie, PEXA

Find out how PEXA’s has transformed the property transaction throughout the settlement process.

  • What is PEXA and how do they improve standards in the property transaction?

  • How PEXA has reduced the amount of delayed settlements across Australia.

  • Which states will receive PEXA support next?

  • Has PEXA benefited from COVID in streamlining their product?

PEXA has been instrumental in delivering new tech solutions to the outdated property market by connecting all the stakeholders in the transaction.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 138 | The shift in the standard of property: What are buyers looking for? | Simon Kuestenmacher, The Demographics Group

How will the need for additional rooms and more living space, alter what people sell and what they will buy in the future.

  • Will we feel the effects of COVID for years to come?

  • What will happen to the inner cities around Australia?

  • Will big business continue to have CBD based offices or will they adapt?

  • What is the trend in businesses working from home?

Welcoming back Director of Research of The Demographics Group, Simon Kuestenmacher. Simon was a guest back in Episode 40 where he outlined the potential problems of Australia's aging population and the current population growth.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 137 | Insights into the Canberra property market: How does it perform against other capital cities? | Claire Corby, Capital Buyers Agency

Find out why the Canberra market is like any other, and discover why it’s suburbs continue to break local price records

  • Why Canberra's property market continues to smash suburb price records during COVID?

  • How have developers shifted in offloading the oversupply of their new builds?

  • The weird quirks and caveats of owning property in Canberra?

  • What happens with the suburbs that border NSW and ACT?

Every week we chat about Australia's major property markets, but how does Canberra compare and what is it’s growth prospects? In this episode we speak with Canberran Claire Corby, one of the only buyers agents to work exclusively in Canberra.

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Chris Batesde-index
Suburb Trends August 2020 | How the WFH movement will alter where we choose to buy w/ Kent Lardner

Which suburbs will thrive post COVID and which will be passed over?

  • How has COVID devastated statistically ‘younger areas’.

  • Why does increasing unemployment in certain sectors not impact the whole economy?

  • Why do hours worked data better represent unemployment?

  • Which suburbs are hot and which are cold?

The 2nd edition of the new monthly report with Kent Lardner of Suburb Trends

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 136 | Shares vs property: Where is the money? | Owen Raszkiewicz, Rask Australia | Insights from Australian Investor Podcast

The debate continues on which is better? Shares, property or both?

  • What books should people read to develop better investing habits?

  • How to choose a good fund?

  • What makes a great fund manager?

  • How can we change how we look at money and investing?

In this episode we talk with Owen Raszkiewicz founder of Rask Australia, which provides a member only investment advice platform, ASX new and investment insights through articles, podcasts and education.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 135 | Corelogic report: Pain and Gain, March quarter 2020 | Eliza Owen, Corelogic

During the beginning of COVID which properties and areas had the greatest loss made sales

  • How did low interest rates and mortgage pauses slow the need for homeowners to sell?

  • Has Covid benefited the property market?

  • What is the correlation between the unemployment rate and the arrears rate?

  • Why do new properties and units have the greatest share of loss made sales?

We can’t get enough of Corelogic's Head of Residential Research and author of Corelogic's recent Pain and Gain Report, Eliza Owen. The quarterly Pain and Gain report details how different properties, regions and cities are performing, including how many have made a profit or loss since the property last transacted.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 134 | Property Investing: rental market & the current trends | Lisa Indge, Let’s Rent

The market has shifted back to the owner occupier property, but what does the current vacancy rates indicate about the investor demographic?

  • What types of investor stock was most affected by COVID?

  • What is the current vacancy rate?

  • The current legislation around rent relief.

  • What can landlords do now to make their property more tenable?

In this episode Lisa highlights how the investor market has been adversely affected by COVID, and how the mainstream media has been trying to ring bells announcing the myth that the property market is on the verge of ‘collapse’.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 133 | How property search patterns have changed during Covid-19 | Alice Stolz, Domain

Covid-19 has brought the focus back to the home front and what people are searching for in their new home/upgrade.

  • Which keyword has soared in search data?

  • What makes a great suburb?

  • Will those suburbs most livable stay the most livable in the future?

  • Has there been a spike in transactions?’

Alice Stolz is the Managing Editor at Domain and host of Domain's new podcast ‘Property Unpacked’.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 132 | The societal impact of Covid-19 and its effect on property prices | Mark McCrindle, McCrindle

Understanding the complex nature of how the social fabric has been altered post Covid-19 and consumers behaviours

  • The similarities between Covid-19 and the past economic crisis.

  • What will potentially happen to the social fabric post Covid?

  • Which generations will adopt new practices and who would be adverse to change?

  • How will zero migration impact property prices?

Welcoming back social researcher and demographer, Mark McCrindle, Founder and Principal of McCrindle, a prominent research house that uses data and trends to create strategies for leading brands and businesses.

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Chris Batesde-index
Suburb Trends July 2020 | Micro vs Macro Markets w/ Kent Lardner

Breaking down the performance of the property market on a suburb level

Starting a new line of monthly episodes for the Elephant in the Room Property Podcast, Veronica and Chris team up with Kent Lardner, Director of Suburb Trends to discuss how different states, regions and suburbs perform; and to break down misconceptions of the property market. This month's Suburbs Trends is all about discussing why different regions perform as they do and the correlation between a suburb's inventory and sales.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 131 | Bridging the gap in financial literacy | Jessica Brady, Fox & Hare Financial Advice

A top financial planner takes on the topic of relationships, household financials and  women and financial literacy

  • Why women usually defer their financials to their partner.

  • Why is it crucial to share details of financials with your partner?

  • What happens when men take on more risk than women.

  • How to start talking about money.

In today's episode our hosts chat with Jessica Brady, financial planner and co-founder of Fox & Hare Financial Advice, which specialises in providing financial advice to young couples and individuals.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 130 | Young and cashed up: What millennials need to know about borrowing | Glen James, My Millennial Money | Insights from My Millennial Money

Everything millennials (and those who love them) need to know but were afraid to ask.

  • Who can you trust to advise you on your money?

  • Why advice from previous generations is out-dated.

  • What is eating up your savings?

  • How has spending, savings and borrowing changed between generations?

In this episode, our hosts chat with expert millennial Glen James, financial advisor and podcast host of “My Millennial Money”. Glen’s business and podcast focuses primarily on millennial financial goals and “sorting your money out”

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 129 | A conversation with a Futurist: Beyond Covid-19 | Craig Rispin, The Future Trends Group

When emerging innovations and the future of property meet.

  • How Covid-19 brought an age of innovation.

  • What will 5G towers do to property prices?

  • How will printing property in the future impact the construction industry?

  • Will the work from home movement take over?

If there is new and emerging technology or innovation coming into the global scene Craig Rispin already knows about it. In today's episode we chat with Craig, author, speaker and advisor.

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Chris Batesde-index
Episode 128 | Trends in property investment: What does the data say? | Mike Mortlock, MCG Quantity Surveyors

Data-stalking 1,500 individual investors: What are they buying and what are their property behaviours.

  • How many investors live in their property before they rent it?

  • What locations are people investing the most into?

  • The gap on where people live and where they invest.

  • What decisions have individual investors made before investing?

Mike Mortlock is the managing director of MCG Quantity Surveyors which recently released granular data on the Australian property market that showcases the unique behaviours of over 1,500 property investors

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Chris Batesde-index